Title I
OJ Neighbours receives the Title I Part A Grant. This grant is offered to schools with a high concentration of low-income families and is used to provide supplemental services to improve student performance in reading and/or math. Once a school is elected to receive a Title I Grant, services are provided to students according to educational need, and family income is not a consideration. Please review the Title I Information Packet and Title I Resource Center Information sections for more information regarding this grant and contact information.
Roxie Reading
OJ Neighbours implements RoxieReading which is a research based reading program that is utilized in all grades as a Tier 2 intervention. This brain based literacy program is designed to build foundational reading skills where spelling, vocabulary, and phonics are all built into this program.
RoxieReading is also utilized as the primary Tier 3 curriculum in Reading intervention via Title pull-out services in all grades.